• 19 Sep, 2024

Transformation of Uttar Pradesh into a global IT hub: Yogi government's vision and strategic development

Uttar Pradesh, India's most populous state, is on the verge of a major transformation under the leadership of Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath. The Yogi government has moved towards transforming Uttar Pradesh into a global IT hub, a move that promises to redefine the state's economic landscape. This ambitious plan involves the development of five major cities—Gautam Buddha Nagar, Lucknow, Kanpur, Varanasi and Prayagraj, each of which will specialise in different aspects of the IT and technology sector. This comprehensive strategy aims to not only strengthen the state's economy but also establish Uttar Pradesh as a major player in the global technology sector.


1. Gautam Buddha Nagar: IT and ITES HuB


Gautam Buddha Nagar is home to the bustling city of Noida, which is already a significant player in India's IT and IT-enabled services (ITES) sector. The Yogi government's vision is to further enhance the city's role as a major IT hub, attracting global IT companies and promoting innovation. Noida's proximity to the national capital Delhi, along with its well-established infrastructure, makes it an ideal location for IT giants and startups.

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The government plans to build a strong IT infrastructure by developing dedicated IT parks and providing a conducive environment for businesses. This includes land banks specifically earmarked for IT development, streamlined processes for setting up new ventures, and incentives to attract both domestic and international investments. By focusing on IT and ITES, Gautam Buddh Nagar is set to become a hub for software development, IT consulting, and business process outsourcing (BPO) services.


2. Lucknow: The hub of artificial intelligence and machine learning


Uttar Pradesh capital Lucknow is set to become a hub for artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). The government recognises the transformative potential of AI and ML technologies, which are driving innovation across industries globally. By focusing on these cutting-edge technologies, Lucknow hopes to attract tech companies, research institutes and startups specialising in AI and ML.



This strategy includes setting up specialised research and development centres, promoting collaboration between academia and industry, and organising international conferences and hackathons to establish Lucknow as a leading AI and ML hub. The government is also exploring the possibility of setting up an AI incubation centre to support startups and innovators working in this field. By doing so, Lucknow will not only contribute to advancements in AI and ML but also create a skilled workforce, making it a significant player in the global technology market.


3. Kanpur: Drone and Robotics Hub


Kanpur, a city known for its rich industrial history, is being reimagined as a hub for drone technology and robotics. With the growing demand for drones in sectors such as agriculture, defence, logistics and surveillance, the Yogi government sees an opportunity to establish Kanpur as a leader in this emerging sector. This vision is further bolstered by the focus on robotics, which is likely to revolutionise manufacturing, healthcare and service industries.



The government plans to set up dedicated research and development facilities, attract investments in drone and robotics technology, and create an ecosystem that supports innovation and entrepreneurship. By promoting startups and providing them with the necessary resources and infrastructure, Kanpur is set to become a hotspot for drone and robotics innovation, which will contribute to the technological advancement of the state and the country.


4. Varanasi: Engineering Research and Development Hub


Varanasi, one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world, is being transformed into a hub of engineering research and development (ER&D). Known for its spiritual and cultural significance, Varanasi is now set to make its mark in the field of technology and innovation. The focus on ER&D aligns with the city's rich educational heritage, with institutes like the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Varanasi already making significant contributions to engineering and technology.



The government's plan includes developing state-of-the-art research facilities, encouraging collaboration between industry and academia, and promoting innovation across various engineering disciplines. By establishing Varanasi as a hub for ER&D, the Yogi government aims to attract top talent, foster innovation, and contribute to the development of cutting-edge technologies that can drive economic growth.


5. Prayagraj: Another pillar for engineering research and development


Prayagraj, another historic city in Uttar Pradesh, is also set to become a hub for engineering research and development. The focus on ER&D in Prayagraj will boost development in Varanasi, creating a strong network of research and innovation across the state.

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This strategy includes promoting IT cities and organising conferences and workshops to promote knowledge sharing and collaboration. The transformation of Prayagraj into an ER&D hub will not only contribute to the state's technological advancement but also create employment opportunities and drive economic growth in the region.


Accelerating IT development: Land banks and IT parks


To support the rapid growth of these IT cities, the Yogi government is focusing on creating land banks and accelerating the development of IT cities and parks. Land banks are crucial for providing the space required for IT infrastructure, ensuring that companies have access to well-developed plots where they can set up their operations quickly and efficiently.


The development of IT parks is another important component of this strategy. These parks will provide a conducive environment for IT companies with world-class infrastructure, reliable power supply and high-speed internet connectivity. By providing such facilities, the government aims to attract investments from both domestic and international IT companies, further strengthening Uttar Pradesh's position as an IT hub.


State Level IT and ITES Advisory Committee


Recognising the importance of expert guidance and industry collaboration, the Yogi government is considering the formation of a state level IT and ITES advisory committee. This committee will comprise industry leaders, technology experts and government officials who will provide strategic direction for the development of the IT sector in Uttar Pradesh.


The advisory committee will play a key role in identifying key areas for growth, suggesting policy reforms and facilitating collaboration between the government and the private sector. By bringing together stakeholders from various sectors, the committee will ensure that the state's IT strategy is in line with global trends and best practices, enabling Uttar Pradesh to compete on the world stage.


Granting industry status to IT sector


As a significant step to boost the IT sector, the Yogi government is considering granting industry status to IT. This change will have a far-reaching impact on IT companies operating in the state. By recognising IT as an industry, the government can provide these companies access to industrial tariffs on electricity, thereby reducing their operating costs and making Uttar Pradesh a more attractive destination for IT investments.


The move to grant industry status to IT also reflects the government’s commitment to creating a business-friendly environment. It will enable IT companies to benefit from the same incentives and support mechanisms available to traditional industries, thereby further boosting growth and investment in the sector.


Attracting investments from AI, drone industries and Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) investors


To ensure the success of its IT hub strategy, the Yogi government is actively seeking investments from various quarters, including the AI and drone industries, as well as investors from the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). The AI and drone sectors are among the fastest-growing industries globally, and attracting investments in these sectors will be crucial for the development of an IT hub in Uttar Pradesh.


The government is also targeting investors from the GCC, recognising the significant capital and expertise these investors can bring. By creating a favourable investment climate and offering incentives, the Yogi government aims to attract substantial foreign investments in the state’s IT sector, thereby further boosting its growth.


Technology conferences and brand promotion


Apart from infrastructure development and investment attraction, the Yogi government is also focusing on brand promotion through technology conferences and events. These conferences will serve as platforms to showcase Uttar Pradesh’s potential as a global IT hub, attracting industry leaders, investors and tech enthusiasts from across the world.

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By hosting international technology conferences, Uttar Pradesh can establish itself as a thought leader in the IT sector, thereby promoting innovation and collaboration. These events will also provide opportunities to local startups and businesses to network with global players, access new markets and get acquainted with the latest tech trends.


Challenges and way forward


Although the Yogi government’s vision of turning Uttar Pradesh into a global IT hub is ambitious and visionary, it is fraught with challenges. The state will need to focus on issues such as ease of doing business overall, enhancing infrastructure, etc.


In addition, the government will need to focus on building a strong digital infrastructure, including high-speed internet connectivity, reliable power supply, and smart city initiatives. The success of the IT hub strategy will also depend on the state's ability to create a conducive environment for innovation and entrepreneurship, thereby promoting the growth of startups and small businesses in the technology sector.


To overcome these challenges, the Yogi government will need to adopt a multi-pronged approach, focusing on policy reforms, infrastructure development, and capacity building. By leveraging its strengths and addressing its weaknesses, the government will need to adopt a multi-pronged approach.


By overcoming these barriers, Uttar Pradesh can successfully transform itself into a global IT hub, boosting economic growth and creating new opportunities for its people.




The Yogi government's plan to develop Uttar Pradesh as a global IT hub is an important step towards economic transformation. By focusing on developing Gautam Buddha Nagar, Lucknow, Kanpur, Varanasi and Prayagraj as specialized IT cities, the government is laying the foundation for a strong and dynamic technology sector.


The creation of land banks, IT parks and state-level advisory committees, as well as the possibility of granting industry status to IT, reflects the government's commitment to fostering a business-friendly environment.

Kalyani Bhatia

In the realm of contained writing, I am a quiet observer, an architect of words, and a weaver of emotions. With ink and paper, I build worlds, share secrets, and unlock the mysteries of the human heart.