• 19 Sep, 2024

Mesmerizing Moments at the International Ramayana Festival Directed by Vyomesh Shukla

In a spellbinding performance guided by Vyomesh Shukla, the cast of the play "Ram Ki Shakti Puja" showcased their vibrant acting, instilling devotion in the audience through the powerful depiction of Lord Rama's victory over Ravana in the divine Shakti Puja. The International Ramayana and Vedic Research Institute, in collaboration with the Culture Department and the Indian Cultural Relations Council, inaugurated the International Ramayana Festival on Monday. The ceremony began with the ceremonial lighting of a lamp by Dr. Rajeshwar Acharya, former president of the Uttar Pradesh Music and Drama Academy.

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The event commenced with a soul-stirring musical offering by Dr. Shivani Shukla, Assistant Professor at Agrasen PG College, presenting compositions ranging from Raag Bhimpalasi to Albelo Avadh Kumar. Following this, a dedication to the newly transformed Ayodhya Dham was presented through the composition "Guaiya Dham Duwara Deen Dayala Jaham Avatare" by Guru Prabhavaranag.

Eastern and Western artists captivated the audience with their performances, including Helen Legarde leading the cello ensemble. The musical journey featured Sushir on the accordion, Darbuka player Stewart, and Kenneth's guitar from Scotland. Pandit Ashok Pandey on tabla and Pandit Sukhdev Mishra on violin initiated the musical ensemble with a composition in Raag Hemavati in Tintal.

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In the third presentation, Professor Sharda Velankar from the BHU Performing Arts Department opened with soulful renditions of Ram bhajans. The fourth presentation showcased Abhijit Chakravarti's Kathak performance, attended by dignitaries Ashok Kapoor, Anshuman Maharaj, and Shridhar Mishra. The coordination was expertly handled by Atul Singh, with direction by Dr. Pritesh Acharya and Saurabh Chakravarti.

Kalyani Bhatia

In the realm of contained writing, I am a quiet observer, an architect of words, and a weaver of emotions. With ink and paper, I build worlds, share secrets, and unlock the mysteries of the human heart.