• 18 Sep, 2024

The EPDM synthetic track pathway, rainwater harvesting, designer lighting, and other improvements are slated to be installed at Varanasi's Sant Guru Ravidas Park. The purpose of this expansion is to provide tourists with improved recreational and environmental facilities while paying tribute to the life and teachings of Sant Guru Ravidas.

Introduction: Varanasi's Vision for Contemporary Urban Development 

Known as the spiritual capital of India, Varanasi is a city rich in both historical and cultural significance. The city's infrastructure is changing as it moves with the times, with the goal of enhancing public areas while protecting its rich history. The construction of Sant Guru Ravidas Park, which is in the Nagwa neighborhood, is one of the biggest projects already underway. It will soon have an EPDM synthetic track walkway and several updated amenities. 
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Sant Guru Ravidas Park: A Spiritual and Historical Site 

The people of Varanasi have a particular place in their hearts for Sant Guru Ravidas Park. The park is a calm area that draws people from all around the area. It is devoted to the saint, poet, and social reformer Sant Guru Ravidas, who lived in the fifteenth century. India's spiritual and cultural fabric has been influenced for a long time by Guru Ravidas, who is well-known for his teachings on equality, social justice, and devotion, particularly in North India. 

Redesigning this park is a fitting way to pay tribute to his beliefs and legacy. The planned improvements are intended to uphold the progressive and harmonious teachings of Guru Ravidas, and they involve the building of a contemporary EPDM synthetic track walkway. The park will come to represent the community's renewal on a physical and spiritual level. 

What Is Synthetic EPDM Music? Recognizing the Technology 

Synthetic track technology, or EPDM (Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer), is a contemporary invention that's utilized to build strong, weather-resistant roads and tracks. Because EPDM surfaces can tolerate a wide range of weather conditions—including heat, cold, and rain—without sacrificing comfort or safety, they are a top choice for recreational spaces. 

The following are a few main advantages of EPDM synthetic track pathways: 

1. Safety and Comfort: EPDM surfaces are perfect for playgrounds, running, and walking because they offer a cushioned, soft surface that reduces the chance of injury. 
2. Durability: There won't be much wear and tear on the material for numerous years. It is quite durable. 
3. Weather Resistance: The track will be safe and operational all year round because EPDM is resistant to moisture, UV radiation, and extremely high temperatures. 
4. Low Maintenance: EPDM tracks are an affordable option for public parks and recreation areas since they require little upkeep once installed. 

The installation of this technology would improve Sant Guru Ravidas Park's accessibility and appeal to a wider range of users, especially those who like engaging in outdoor physical activities like jogging and walking. 

Rainwater Harvesting: A Sustainable Development 

An essential element of the park's renovation is the development of a rainwater collection system. This feature is a great addition considering the growing concerns about water conservation, especially in metropolitan areas. Rainwater can be collected and stored by the rainwater harvesting system and used for park maintenance activities like cleaning and plant watering. 

Rainwater harvesting helps ease the burden on the city's water supply, particularly in the dry season, while also conserving water. This system will also be used as a teaching tool to highlight to tourists the significance of sustainable water management techniques. 

Kid-friendly Play Area with Up-to-Date Equipment 

The renovated Sant Guru Ravidas Park will also have a special kids' play area with up-to-date playthings that guarantee delight and safety. The park's play area is designed to meet the needs of young families and offer a safe space for kids to play, which promotes their social and physical development. 

The following are some essential elements of the play area: 

- Safe Play Structures: Designed to reduce the chance of injury, the equipment is composed of kid-friendly materials. 
- Engaging Play Zones: Contemporary play structures will provide kids with a range of engaging experiences, including climbing walls, slides, and swings. 
- Inclusive Play Areas: The park will have inclusive play equipment so that kids of all abilities can enjoy the area. Accessibility is a top emphasis. 

Designer Lighting: Adding Visual Appeal to the Park 

The creative lighting that has been installed around the park is another fascinating feature of the renovation. An appealing park at night is one that is well-lit, which improves safety while also adding to its aesthetic appeal. 
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To ensure that guests can continue to enjoy the park long after dusk, major locations including the children's play area, the synthetic track route, and seating spaces will be thoughtfully lit by designer lighting. It is also anticipated that the lighting system will be energy-efficient, supporting the city's larger initiatives to implement environmentally friendly practices.

Thematic Development: Honoring Sant Guru Ravidas's Life and Teachings 

The renovation project will include features honoring the life and teachings of Sant Guru Ravidas in keeping with the park's commitment to the saint. The VDA has stressed the significance of establishing a theme environment that honors the social accomplishments of Guru Ravidas, especially his teachings on equality, harmony, and devotion. 

The park will have educational exhibits, sculptures, and paintings that communicate the teachings of Guru Ravidas and illustrate significant moments in his life. These installations will help disseminate the saint's enduring message of tolerance and peace by acting as inspirational and informative resources. 

Better Facilities and Amenities: Enhancing the Experience for Guests 

Beyond only making visual enhancements, the park's renovation will include a number of improved amenities to meet the demands of contemporary tourists. Among the significant advancements are: 

1. Seating and Rest Areas: The park will be enhanced with cozy seating areas so that guests may unwind and take in the scenery. 
2. Enhanced Green Spaces: New trees, plants, and lawns will be added to the park's landscaping to provide a rich, green setting that encourages rest and wellbeing. 
3. Public Restrooms: To enhance park visitors' general convenience and hygiene, new restroom facilities will be built. 
4. Walking routes and Accessibility: Additional walking routes will be added to the EPDM synthetic track pathway, guaranteeing that the park is used by individuals of all ages and abilities. 

UPPCL's Position in the Project 

The tourism department is providing financing for the rehabilitation of the park, which will be carried out by the Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited (UPPCL). The project will be finished to the greatest levels of efficiency, quality, and safety thanks to UPPCL's assistance. 

The cooperation of the Tourism Department, the VDA, and UPPCL demonstrates a cohesive approach to urban development, with each organization providing its specialized knowledge to produce a project that will benefit the city's residents as well as tourists. 

Ensuring Accessibility All Through Construction 

Pulkit Garg, the vice president of the VDA, has made it clear that the park will be accessible to the public even while construction is underway. This guarantees that visitors and locals alike can continue to enjoy the area even as construction continues. 

The construction crew will collaborate closely with local authorities and use safety protocols to mitigate any disturbances, guaranteeing that the park's refurbishment is finished on time and with the least amount of inconvenience to the public. 

The Effect on Local Economy and Tourism in Varanasi 

Sant Guru Ravidas Park is already a well-liked tourist site, and the city is anticipated to see an increase in visitors as a result of its renovation. The park's themed features combined with the inclusion of contemporary amenities will make it a must-visit location for everyone interested in learning about Guru Ravidas's teachings while taking advantage of a well-kept recreational area. 

Final Thought: An Insignia of Advancement and Honor 

One outstanding illustration of how contemporary urban development may be easily combined with spiritual and cultural value is the renovation of Sant Guru Ravidas Park. The project is a reflection of Varanasi's dedication to inclusivity and progress as it pays tribute to the life and teachings of Sant Guru Ravidas while also offering a series of new amenities for the general population. 

Projects like this one, which provide areas for people to congregate, contemplate, and regenerate physically and spiritually, will be vital in determining the destiny of the city as it develops. Sant Guru Ravidas Park, with its rainwater collection system, EPDM synthetic track pathway, and thematic development, is set to become a symbol of Varanasi's long tradition of creativity and reverence.  

Kalyani Bhatia

In the realm of contained writing, I am a quiet observer, an architect of words, and a weaver of emotions. With ink and paper, I build worlds, share secrets, and unlock the mysteries of the human heart.