• 20 May, 2024

India's Ambitious Roadmap: Harnessing AI and Gaming to Boost GDP Growth

Central Minister Rajiv Chandrashekhar stated that the Artificial Intelligence and online gaming segments can contribute up to $300 billion to India's GDP by 2026-27. The Minister of State for Information and Technology highlighted that the government is actively promoting AI and will host a global summit named "India AI 2023" on December 10 this year to further bolster these initiatives.


The convergence of technology and AI-driven solutions with the gaming industry is poised to reshape India's economic landscape. As the nation steps into the digital age, these developments hold the potential to not only enhance the gaming experience for millions but also drive significant economic growth.

The "India AI 2023" summit is a pivotal moment, where experts, innovators, and policymakers will convene to chart the course for India's AI journey. It presents a unique opportunity to showcase India's prowess in AI and explore avenues for collaboration on the global stage.


With ambitious goals set and a commitment to fostering technological innovation, India is poised to make a mark in the realm of Artificial Intelligence, setting the stage for a promising future of economic prosperity and technological advancement. Stay tuned for updates from this transformative event.

Kalyani Bhatia

In the realm of contained writing, I am a quiet observer, an architect of words, and a weaver of emotions. With ink and paper, I build worlds, share secrets, and unlock the mysteries of the human heart.