• 20 Sep, 2024

Unlocking Varanasi's Potential: Understanding the Restrictions on Land Transactions in These 10 Villages

The ancient city of Varanasi, known as Kashi, is witnessing a surge in tourism, prompting rapid expansion and development initiatives. With a concerted effort to ensure organized growth, the administration initiated six residential projects in the past six years. Now, a seventh residential project has been incorporated, focusing on ten selected villages in the region.


Under this new plan, land transactions in these villages have been restricted by the district administration. These villages, situated between Mohansarai and Dafi Highway on the left side of the road, have been included in the project.

The identified villages, including Haansapur, Mirapur, Sagahat, Misirpur, Nibiya, Nakaain, Sadalpur, Kaadipur, Rampur, and Faridpur, will no longer facilitate land transactions for the specified plots and acreages. Prospective sellers will now need approval from the district administration for transactions involving other plots. Farmers associated with the designated land will be approached with notices, and their consent will be sought for land acquisition, similar to other residential projects.

Notably, the restrictions on land transactions for the Varuna Vihar Phase One and Two projects have been temporarily lifted. This decision was made due to the lack of determinations regarding floods and other factors in Varuna Vihar. This preemptive measure aims to prevent potential future complications and significant revenue loss due to unpreparedness. As a result, the restrictions remain in place solely for the previous five projects.

This move underscores the administration's commitment to balanced and sustainable development, ensuring that expansion efforts align with environmental and infrastructural considerations.

Kalyani Bhatia

In the realm of contained writing, I am a quiet observer, an architect of words, and a weaver of emotions. With ink and paper, I build worlds, share secrets, and unlock the mysteries of the human heart.