• 19 Sep, 2024

Rising Water Levels of the Ganges in Kashi: Impact on Ghats, Rituals, and Cremations

The sacred city of Kashi (Varanasi) is currently witnessing a significant rise in the water levels of the Ganges River. This increase has led to the submergence of the ghats, causing major disruptions to daily rituals and ceremonies. The Ganga's water level has reached 68.02 meters, leading to various challenges for the residents, pilgrims, and tourists.

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Submergence of Ghats and Alteration of Rituals

As the water level continues to rise, the steps of the ghats have been completely submerged. Prominent ghats such as Manikarnika and Harishchandra, known for their cremation activities, have been severely affected. Consequently, cremations are now being conducted on elevated platforms or rooftops, as the traditional cremation sites are underwater. This shift has caused considerable inconvenience to the families of the deceased and the funeral processions.

Change in the Venue for Ganga Aarti

The famous Ganga Aarti at Dashashwamedh Ghat, a daily ritual attracting numerous devotees and tourists, has also been relocated due to the flooding. The administration has instructed all Aarti committees to conduct the ritual on rooftops or other elevated locations, ensuring the safety of the participants and maintaining the sanctity of the ceremony.

Impact on Pilgrims and Tourists

Pilgrims visiting Kashi are now compelled to perform their rituals on the steps of the ghats rather than at the riverbank. This adaptation has somewhat preserved the tradition, but the experience has been significantly altered. Tourists, too, are facing difficulties as the flooding has obstructed the pathways between different ghats. This has led to a disruption in their plans to explore the city's sacred sites and participate in the cultural activities along the river.

Suspension of Boat Operations

In response to the rising water levels, boat operations in Varanasi have been completely halted. This suspension has not only affected the transportation of pilgrims and tourists but has also posed a severe threat to the livelihoods of the boatmen. The situation has left many boatmen, like Shambhu Nishad, worried about their daily earnings and the future of their profession.

Cremations on Rooftops at Manikarnika Ghat

The situation is particularly dire at Manikarnika Ghat, often referred to as the 'Mahashmashan' (Great Cremation Ground). The ghat, along with the Mahashmashan Nath Temple and the cremation sites, is entirely submerged. Due to the lack of space, cremations are being carried out on makeshift elevated platforms and rooftops. This necessity has imposed an additional burden on the families conducting the last rites.


Challenges and Future Outlook

The rising water levels of the Ganges in Kashi have presented numerous challenges for the local administration and the community. Ensuring the safety of the residents, maintaining the sanctity of rituals, and safeguarding the livelihoods of those dependent on the river are critical concerns. As the situation unfolds, the authorities are continuously monitoring the water levels and implementing measures to mitigate the impact on the city's daily life.

The current scenario in Kashi underscores the city's resilience and the adaptability of its people in the face of natural adversities. Despite the challenges, the spirit of Kashi remains unbroken, as the city continues to uphold its age-old traditions and cultural heritage amidst the rising waters of the Ganges.

Kalyani Bhatia

In the realm of contained writing, I am a quiet observer, an architect of words, and a weaver of emotions. With ink and paper, I build worlds, share secrets, and unlock the mysteries of the human heart.