• 21 Sep, 2024

Protecting Children Online: The Growing Concern of Sharenting and AI Privacy

In an age of "sharenting," where parents share their children's lives online, the risk of privacy invasion has reached new heights. Two distinct factions of parents exist: those who entertain and those who safeguard their kids' online presence.


For TikTok sensation Kodye Elyse, an unsettling incident involving her young daughter's video led to increased caution. Her experience with millions of views and inappropriate comments prompted her to remove her children's images from the internet.

However, erasing digital traces can be more challenging than expected. Elyse, using PimEyes, discovered her son's image on the web, necessitating a subscription to protect his privacy. Sharenting, while often well-intentioned, poses serious AI privacy risks.

Amanda Lenhart from Common Sense Media emphasizes the need for careful data sharing. Deepfake technology, mimicking children's voices, and identity theft through photos are emerging threats. A recent Deutsche Telekom campaign illustrates the dangers of sharing too much.

The rise of facial recognition technology further complicates matters. Parents must proactively search for their children's online presence and request removal if necessary. While private sharing is becoming more common, a public face search could reveal a forgotten public photo.


However, such search engines can also be misused, raising concerns about stalking and overbearing parents. Clearview AI, meant for law enforcement, has been used in child abuse cases. PimEyes is working on a feature to block searches for minors' faces, but it's a double-edged sword.

Facial recognition poses challenges for sharing children's photos online. Privacy experts recommend involving kids in the posting process and discussing what's suitable to share. Many advocate for keeping children offline for professional and personal success.

The sharenting debate continues as parents navigate the complex intersection of online sharing, technology, and privacy. As AI evolves, so do the concerns. It's essential to strike a balance between sharing cherished moments and safeguarding a child's digital footprint.

Kalyani Bhatia

In the realm of contained writing, I am a quiet observer, an architect of words, and a weaver of emotions. With ink and paper, I build worlds, share secrets, and unlock the mysteries of the human heart.