• 19 Sep, 2024

Exploring the Etymology and Epithets of the Timeless God in Hindu Mythology

In the vast tapestry of Hindu mythology and spirituality, the etymology and various epithets assigned to Lord Shiva offer profound insights into the essence of this revered deity. The term "Shiva" itself, derived from Sanskrit, carries the weight of purity, signifying an unblemished and transcendent presence.

Known as "The Auspicious One," a title associated with Rudra, Shiva's multifaceted nature unfolds through the lens of a thousand names, echoing in the verses dedicated to Vishnu. Within this rich tapestry, Shiva emerges as "The Pure One" or the divine force unaffected by the triad of Nature's Gunas—Rajas, Sattva, and Tamas.

Swami Chinmayananda delves deeper, elucidating Lord Shiva as the eternally pure being, untouched by the imperfections of Rajas and Tamas. His name, when uttered, becomes a purifying force, cleansing living beings. The significance of Shiva transcends the confines of birth and death, as the Supreme God with no Aadi or Anta, symbolizing the timeless and infinite nature of existence.

In the archaeological realms of Mohenjodaro, a seal unveils a compelling image—a seated figure surrounded by animals, possibly depicting Shiva as the Pashupati, the Lord of Beasts. This archaeological trace intertwines history with spirituality, reinforcing the enduring legacy of Lord Shiva.


Embracing the epithet "Devon Ke Dev Mahadev," translating to the Great God or Great Lord, Lord Shiva commands reverence and devotion. His profound symbolism, entwined with linguistic nuances, paints a canvas where purity, auspiciousness, and transcendence converge in the divine persona of Shiva, inviting seekers on a spiritual journey through the corridors of timeless wisdom.

Kalyani Bhatia

In the realm of contained writing, I am a quiet observer, an architect of words, and a weaver of emotions. With ink and paper, I build worlds, share secrets, and unlock the mysteries of the human heart.