• 19 Sep, 2024

Heavy Showers and Drizzle Bring Respite to Varanasi, Easing Sultry Weather and Offering Hope to Farmers

Varanasi, a city renowned for its spiritual significance and cultural heritage, recently experienced a much-needed change in its weather. Heavy showers followed by a long spell of drizzle have brought relief from the hot and sultry conditions that had been prevalent. This shift in weather not only provided comfort to the residents but also brought joy to the paddy farmers in Varanasi and the surrounding districts.

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Rainfall Brings Joy to Farmers
The rainfall, which commenced on Saturday afternoon, was a welcome sight for the paddy farmers. The consistent showers are crucial for the agricultural cycle, ensuring that the paddy fields receive adequate water. This rainfall came as a blessing, significantly impacting the local agriculture positively. The farmers, who had been worried about the dry spell, now have a reason to smile as the rains promise a better yield for their crops.

Weather Update and Temperature Changes
According to the records from the Central Water Commission (CWC), Varanasi received 34.8mm of rainfall in the past 24 hours. The city experienced drizzle at intervals throughout the day, leading to overcast conditions that kept the weather pleasant. As per the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD), the maximum temperature was recorded at 32.8 degrees Celsius, while the minimum temperature stood at 25.2 degrees Celsius. These conditions are a stark contrast to the previously high temperatures, providing much-needed relief to the residents.

Rising Water Levels and Flood Preparations
While the rains brought relief, they also raised concerns about potential flooding in the region. The CWC report indicated a rise in the water level of the river Ganga, which increased from 57.66 meters on July 1st to 58.47 meters by Sunday morning. Although the rise in water level is gradual, the district administration is taking proactive measures to handle any flood-like situations. The heavy rainfall in northern and central India has contributed to the increasing water levels in the Ganga and its tributaries upstream.

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Administrative Response
In response to the potential flood threat, District Magistrate (DM) S. Rajalingam visited the Dhelwaria area in the downstream section of the river Varuna to inspect the flood preparedness. During his visit, he reviewed the plans and directed the concerned departments and Varanasi Municipal Corporation (VMC) officials to conduct a mapping of the population in flood-prone areas and provide an accurate list of these regions. This proactive approach aims to ensure that the administration is well-prepared to tackle any emergency situations arising from the rising water levels.

The recent heavy showers and drizzle in Varanasi have brought a much-needed respite from the sweltering heat and have uplifted the spirits of the local farming community. However, the rising water levels in the Ganga and its tributaries necessitate vigilance and preparedness to mitigate potential flood risks. The district administration's prompt actions reflect their commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of the residents. As the weather continues to evolve, both the residents and the administration remain hopeful and prepared for any challenges that may come their way.

Kalyani Bhatia

In the realm of contained writing, I am a quiet observer, an architect of words, and a weaver of emotions. With ink and paper, I build worlds, share secrets, and unlock the mysteries of the human heart.