• 20 Sep, 2024

Discover the Magnificence of the Surya Namaskar Sculpture at Namo Ghat, Varanasi

Under the visionary leadership of Namo 2.0, another remarkable addition is underway at the renowned Namo Ghat in Varanasi – a towering 75-feet high Surya Namaskar sculpture. This majestic creation is set to captivate visitors with its grandeur, promising to be a sight to behold. The target is to complete this sculpture by early April, adding to the allure of the largest ghat in Kashi.

Unveiling Namo Ghat:

Situated at the western end of Varanasi's crescent-shaped ghats, Khidkiya Ghat has been rechristened by the district administration as "Namo Ghat." Already adorned with three sculptures standing at 25 feet each, which have become favorites among tourists, this ghat is now set to elevate its popularity further by installing a fourth sculpture, towering at an impressive height of 75 feet, dedicated to the Surya Namaskar.

Rising Popularity and Tourist Footfall:

The influx of domestic and international tourists to this ghat is on a steady rise. A range of entertainment options for children is available here, making it a hotspot for families. In the initial phase of development, Namo Ghat saw the establishment of an open-air theater, restroom facilities, a foot court, and a plaza adorned with the Surya Namaskar sculpture. Even today, visitors throng the ghat, eager to capture moments against the backdrop of the Surya Namaskar sculpture.

Progress Update:

The construction of the new Surya Namaskar sculpture is nearing completion, with approximately 80% of the work already done. Anticipation is palpable among those planning to visit Namo Ghat, eager to witness the craftsmanship and dedication poured into this monumental project.


Join the Conversation:

Excitement and discussions abound regarding the design and execution of the Surya Namaskar sculpture at Namo Ghat. Visitors and locals alike eagerly await the unveiling of this masterpiece, which promises to further enhance the cultural and architectural landscape of Varanasi.

Explore the beauty and significance of the Surya Namaskar sculpture at Namo Ghat, Varanasi, and immerse yourself in the timeless charm of this sacred city. Witness history in the making as Namo Ghat continues to evolve as a symbol of cultural richness and spiritual vibrancy.

Kalyani Bhatia

In the realm of contained writing, I am a quiet observer, an architect of words, and a weaver of emotions. With ink and paper, I build worlds, share secrets, and unlock the mysteries of the human heart.