• 19 Sep, 2024

Controversy Surrounds IIT BHU Campus Wall Construction Decision: Protests and Legal Challenges

In a recent development at the IIT BHU campus in Varanasi, the decision to build walls after reconsidering the construction of the IIT BHU campus walls has sparked debates and protests. The campus premises now witness the emergence of permanent barriers in various locations, complete with iron gates that can be secured with locks. Cement and brick pillars are also being erected on both sides of these permanent barriers, replacing the previously installed temporary ones.


Opposition to the construction of these permanent barriers has gained momentum, especially on social media platforms, where students and alumni are advocating for the removal of what they consider unnecessary structures. Some are specifically calling for the removal of the barriers erected at the same spots where temporary barriers existed before.

On a different note, the Student Parliament has expressed dissatisfaction over the lack of arrests of the accused even a week after the demonstration. Social activists, in response, submitted a memorandum to Police Commissioner Mutha Ashok Jain, urging him to expedite the investigation and take necessary actions.

Simultaneously, a controversy has erupted as the National Students' Union of India (NSUI) unit of BHU filed a complaint against the activists of the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) for filing false cases. During a discussion with journalists at Madhuban Park, Rana Rohit, the BHU unit head of NSUI, revealed that he and the NSUI unit president Rajiv Nayan, along with Suman Anand, have been falsely charged by ABVP activists. Issuing a warning, they stated that if justice is not served promptly, a protest will be initiated.


The situation remains tense as various stakeholders, including prominent figures like Vallabhacharya Pandey, Sanjeev Singh, Satish Singh, Laxman Prasad, and others, actively participate in discussions and debates regarding these recent events. The controversy has not only stirred campus dynamics but has also drawn attention to the larger issues of justice, accountability, and freedom of expression.

Kalyani Bhatia

In the realm of contained writing, I am a quiet observer, an architect of words, and a weaver of emotions. With ink and paper, I build worlds, share secrets, and unlock the mysteries of the human heart.