• 20 Sep, 2024

Celebrate Holi 2024 Responsibly: Police Vigilance Ensures Safe Festivities

As the vibrant festival of colors, Holi, approaches, authorities in mixed-population areas are ensuring effective policing to maintain peace and harmony. Police officials are urging the public to celebrate responsibly, refraining from the consumption of intoxicants and avoiding the use of chemical-laden colors and mud during the festivities.


In Varanasi, the heart of cultural richness, young enthusiasts sway to the beats of Holi songs, adding to the festive fervor. However, the police are on high alert to prevent any disturbances on the streets. The Police Commissionerate, from the banks of the Ganges to the narrow alleys, will be closely monitoring the situation, deploying patrols from the ghats to the Rajghat area, including water patrols along the Ganges.

Commissioner Mohit Agrawal has instructed all station heads and assistant commissioners to exercise extra vigilance, particularly in sensitive areas with mixed populations. Alongside, the general public is appealed to avoid intoxicants and steer clear of chemical-laden colors and mud during the festivities.

Safety of women during Holi remains paramount, with strict measures in place to prevent any untoward incidents of harassment. Additionally, it's advised not to throw colors or gulal on people from other communities. Let's celebrate in a spirit of camaraderie, ensuring a harmonious atmosphere throughout the festival.

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In case of any suspicious activities, citizens are encouraged to immediately contact the respective station heads and assistant police commissioners. Furthermore, refrain from circulating messages promoting hatred or animosity on social media platforms. Let's stay vigilant, debunk rumors, and inspire others to do the same, ensuring a safe and joyous Holi celebration for everyone.

Kalyani Bhatia

In the realm of contained writing, I am a quiet observer, an architect of words, and a weaver of emotions. With ink and paper, I build worlds, share secrets, and unlock the mysteries of the human heart.